About Texas Eagle Forum
Phyllis Schlafly
Eagle Forum, formed by the late Phyllis Schlafly, has led the pro-family movement with vision and courage since 1972. Eagle Forum has earned recognition from the national and local media as well as from U.S. Presidents and local elected officials.
Texas Eagle Forum is its own organization with a mission to educate, motivate and activate conservative and pro-family men and women here in Texas in the process of self-government and public policy-making so that America will continue to be a land of opportunity and liberty.
Texas Eagle Forum is rooted and grounded in biblical principles and values as well as protecting the pillars of limited government and liberty in our constitutions both within our nation and our state.
Texas Eagle Forum members are compelled by virtue of those foundational underpinnings to approach our mission and our goals with bold and unwavering commitment. We will work diligently to see that we, as a state, uphold social and fiscally conservative values. We want to always support the family- as the core beginning of all government and we want to always fight for LIFE – from conception to the grave.
We believe that these goals can be accomplished with graciousness and respect to all those we encounter. We will continue to pray daily to our God and not be shy to speak of our faith. In so doing, we hope to honor that very faith by creating an environment in this great state of Texas that promotes self-governance, is liberty focused, law-abiding, and with a forward vision toward the next generations of Texans.
We believe boundaries are valuable and necessary parts of our homes and are important for our cities, our state, and our nation.
Cindi currently serves as the president of Texas Eagle Forum. Her parents introduced her to political activism as a child and she has been involved in the conservative movement ever since. After becoming a follower of Jesus, she began to understand her political positions based on our brilliant constitution and God's word. Cindi became a precinct chair and election judge in her early 20's. While she has been a leader in and is currently a member of several Republican groups, she found her best fit in Eagle Forum. Cindi loves researching issues and going over bills to determine their impact on the people of Texas. Previously she served as the president of Dallas Eagle Forum.

Cindi Castilla
About the Texas Eagle Forum